Today I'm supposed to meet someone from MIT! He was a grad student a year ago, and graduated with his masters. We walked around Aachen a bit, and again everything was closed. (I'm getting real good at hitting the city when everything's closed.) He gave me a lot of tips and good advice. He also told me not to take any naps, because it just makes jetlag worse . . . We got some Italien ice cream (Italienisches Eis from 7th grade German class) Ein Wafel mit zwei Kügeln Karamel (wafel cone with 2 scoops of Karamel). He showed me the cheap stores and the place where the international students club meets every Tuesday. We were also walking down the street when some of his friends yell at him. (it's a small town) They were having an early morning brunch at 4pm because they had stayed up all night partying at a wedding. Alright.
Home at last and it's time for dinner. I bought some spaghetti yesterday, so I cooked that up. yum yum. my first full meal that I'll actually keep down. If only I had some cheese to go one top . . . oh wait.
Also . . . I'm starting to feel a different kind of sick . . . my throat is sore (oh man can I not catch a break?!?). Great. Well, let's see if I can sleep. Success! Asleep at 2 with only a few tosses and turns in the night and some help from my friend the blindfold after the sun came up and
Music: Highest Rated
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